What is the Re-Imagine North Watt Corridor Plan?Sacramento County is working to improve the safety and mobility needs of the local residents, schools, students, commuters, visitors, and other users of the North Watt Avenue Corridor between Antelope Road/U Street and Peacekeeper Way. This plan will be developed as part of the new vision to address safety of travelers on the bikeway and sidewalks, safety enhancements at intersections, transit stop amenities, and other improvements. Historically this corridor has featured high traffic volumes, speeds, collisions involving pedestrians and bicyclists, and a lack of complete street and traffic calming features.
Why is it important?
A successful "Re-Imagining" of the North Watt Avenue Corridor will consider the diversity of the connecting properties, the key role that transit access plays, and the diverse needs of local residents, students, commuters, shoppers, and other users of the corridor. The Re-Imagined corridor improvements will balance mobility, safety, equity considerations and be developed in partnership with the public. Why now?
Recent County plans, including the Active Transportation Plan, Local Roadway Safety Plan, and Regional Transit High-Capacity Bus Service Study, have identified opportunities for improvement along the corridor. A recent Urban Land Institute study found that transportation investments, such as bus rapid transit, alternative street reconfiguration, and enhanced bicycle infrastructure, will be key to support the development of attainable, infill housing. As a result, County staff successfully applied for and were awarded grant funding for this Plan. Who are the stakeholders?
Collaboration will be focused on local schools, neighborhoods, businesses, and residents. There will also be a number of local and regional organizations, including the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT), 80-Watt District, McClellan Park, and the community at large. With your help, the County of Sacramento will work to reshape the vision and safety of the North Watt Avenue Corridor. What is the goal of the plan?
The goal of the plan is to re-Imagine North Watt Avenue as multimodal, sustainable, and safe corridor where residents can confidently and conveniently access jobs, retail, schools, open spaces, and dwellings while biking, walking, or riding transit. Students and parents will feel more comfortable getting to school without the use of a motor vehicle. Future high-capacity bus service will connect the corridor to the regional transit network and key destinations. This effort will be informed in part through engagement the community, including parents, students, school staff, businesses, and other roadway users. Elements of the Plan will include safe and improved bikeways and sidewalks, safety enhancements at intersections, transit stop amenities, improved transit reliability, and other safety and connectivity improvements. |
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Give Your Input! Past EventsTown Hall Meeting
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. North Highlands Recreation Center 6040 Watt Avenue, Sacramento Disability Advisory Commission Physical Access Subcommittee Tuesday, November 19, 2024 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. 700 H Street, Hearing Room 1, Sacramento Sacramento County Bicycle Advisory Committee Thursday, November 14, 2024 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Department of Transportation 4100 Traffic Way, Sacramento Open House #2 Saturday, April 20, 2024 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. North Highlands Recreation Center 6040 Watt Avenue, Sacramento Open House #1 Saturday, December 2, 2023 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. North Highlands Recreation Center 6040 Watt Avenue, Sacramento |